Days 8 & 9 of the April Fooling with Faces and Figures creative challenge happening inside the Creative Sandbox Community: “mischievous” and “bushy eyebrow(s)”
I love @evalottchen’s directive to draw something 50 times in order to own it, so today I decided to do that with “mischievous.” (Clearly I’m also still working on owning “circle”—ha!)
I threw in a bushy eyebrow at the end, for (additional) fun. 😊
A lot of people have asked me where they can find the challenge. We hold them monthly inside the Creative Sandbox Community, and most members choose to share inside the safe container of the community, rather that in a public forum like Instagram. But follow and me to join the fun here. 🖍
And if you’d like a more private space to participate in challenges like these, sign up on the invite list for the next time I open the doors to the Creative Sandbox Community. It’s my lab for women’s leadership through creative expression.
#doodleart #dailycreative #dailydoodle #100dayproject #emotions #visualcommunication #creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxchallenge #aprilsandboxchallenge #pigmamicron #originalart
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: April 06, 2018 at 07:04AM
More school kids, from a sheet of 23. Getting closer to owning “school kid”—at least the male version! Thanks to @evalottchen for yesterday’s tips—they helped a ton! 🖍
I would love to draw all day. Pick something, draw it 50 times to “own it,” then pick something else and do the same thing. Right now that sounds like my idea of heaven. 😊
Alas, deadlines await, so it’s off to other things! .
#drawing #doodle #visualcommunication #sketch #graphicfacilitation #learning #newskills #newskill #dailycreative #100dayproject #doodleart #dailydoodle #originalart #betterbydoing #practicemakesprogress
Snapshot from My Studio: April 05, 2018 at 08:41AM
Inspired by @letssummerize’s #100dayproject, I decided to practice “school kid” today. The other side of this sheet is 16 attempts, and here are 9 more. By the last one I was starting to get fairly quick and fluid. I don’t know if he reads young enough to be a school kid—second to the left at top proportions read as younger—but I’m getting there.
@evalottchen says to draw something 50 times in order to own it. I’m half way there with “school kid”—25 more to go and it’s mine! 😊
#visualcommunication #visualnotes #newskill #newskills #learning #infodoodle #creativesandbox #creativesandboxway #doodle #doodles #doodleart #doodleartist #doodlesofinstagram #dailydoodle2018 #dailydoodle #dailycreative #originalart
Snapshot from My Studio: April 04, 2018 at 07:50PM
The first activity in a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® session is almost always the Tower. The instructions are simple: start with the base plate, and include the person. You have two minutes—go!
It is always so fun to see what people come up, and how they start to see how powerful it is to build with LEGO as a metaphor. 😊
#legoseriousplay #visualcommunication #visualpractice #flipchart #neulandmarkers #graphicfacilitation #originalart #oldschool #ditchpowerpoint #legominifigure
Snapshot from My Studio: April 04, 2018 at 05:54PM
Going “old school” with “analog PowerPoint” for my upcoming team building retreat. Because that’s how we roll around here.
#markersrule #neulandmarkers #calligraphy #flipchart #visualpractice #graphicfacilitation #originalart