Can you really live your dream life right now?
I submit that you can.
That, in fact, quite possibly you already are, in ways you may not be giving yourself credit for.
Watch the video and let me know what you think.
And here are some questions to get you going:
1) What would you be in your dream life? Example: I’d be a professional dancer.
2) What most appeals to you about that? Why would you love that? Example: I love performing, and moving to music.
3) How are you already incorporating (or how could you incorporate) the part you would love about your dream life into your life right now? Example: I take classes at a dance school where we have a yearly recital, so I get to dance twice a week, and I get to experience performing.
It’s true your Right Now Life may not be as big or glamorous or impressive as your Dream Life (though I’ll also point out that it doesn’t carry the pains and challenges, either!), but it’s a good exercise to stop and take stock of where you already have what you’re seeking.
I may not be a world-famous, Grammy-winning jazz singer, but I perform locally for appreciative fans. Over the years, I’ve gone from wishing I could sing jazz and dreaming about being a performing singer, to performing at cafes, restaurants and private parties. (For pay, even!)
In other words, in a small way (which has gotten increasingly larger over the years), I’m living that dream life already.
Now post in the comments: How are you already living your dream life? Inquiring minds want to know!