How does anything get done? Step by step, that’s how.
Whether you’re talking about overhauling a website, growing a business, healing from major knee surgery, learning to play the ukulele (hmm… does this sound like someone you know?) – anything, really, it’s always step by step.
Or as I like to say, baby step by baby step.
Sometimes it feels painfully slow, or even as if you’re moving backwards, not forwards. (That’s certainly how my knee feels right about now!) But really, with enough baby steps you can climb mountains.
One of my current mountains, now that I’m making art on a regular basis again, is getting my art out into the world where people can see it and buy it. This weekend I made a great start, installing a new shopping cart and getting the beginnings of an actual store up. The Universe gave me a nod that I was moving in the right direction when I sold my first print less than 24 hours later! (Thanks Dianne!)
Always a good sign.
The “Daily Art” Fix/The “Daily” ArtFix
Today I added something else: a brand new newsletter! I’ll be adding new art to the gallery as I create it, but I wanted to give my fans the opportunity to see my work as soon as it’s done, without having to check in on the shop.
Hence the new newsletter, the “Daily” ArtFix. Or the “Daily Art” Fix.
Technically, it’s not going to be a daily newsletter, but it will be showcasing the art that emerges from my daily Creative Sandbox time. Just new art, as soon as it’s created. With a minimim of words. Or maybe a modicum of words. Whatever – fewer words than I usually use here (which, if you think about it, really isn’t saying much… But you catch my drift I hope.)
Just new art, like the piece shown at the top of this post, which started as a section of a big sheet of watercolor paper. You can see its beginnings on the lower right in the picture below:
I got three more finished pieces out of that sheet, plus some possible pieces that are still in the brewing stage. I’ll send those out in the newsletter one at a time, so sign up if you want to be the first to see them!
Meanwhile, I’ve still got a mountain of art on my hard disk to load into the shopping cart, but step by step I’ll get it done.
PS – In case you didn’t notice the snazzy new button in the sidebar, I’m now hosting free monthly calls to help you chart your own course to the creative life of your dreams. Click here for more info and to register to get reminder emails the day before each month’s call.
I really love the art you’re creating. This piece in particular does really reflect how you’re going about your business and it really resonates with me too. You are an inspiration to me!
Yay! Thanks Kim! That makes me really happy. 🙂
Wow Melissa! Your new & improved site is totally biggified! Kudos! It looks SO GOOD, the purpose of it is SO CLEAR and there are SO MANY options for connection with you in multiple ways. (I just had to use the caps so you can get a picture of my face right now!) I’m really happy for you- you are morphing into a very masterful practitioner and teacher! yay yay yay!!! p.s. are you offering your warrior woman notecards?
Hey Nicole – thanks for a rockin’ awesome make-my-day comment! 😀 So glad you like the new look, AND that it’s made my purpose clearer to you. Yay!
And YES, I do offer notecards of all of my Irresistible Women — I can get any of them up on Zazzle for you, or contact me directly if you have a bulk order, as it may be cheaper for you if I produce them myself and sell directly to you.