It’s the ever-present dilemma (or at least it’s seemed that way in my life): happiness or greatness?
Is it better to sacrifice balance (ie, health, relationships, simple pleasures, sanity…) in order to achieve greatness and make an enormous impact?
Or to send out smaller ripples, maybe even pass into obscurity, but live a humane, balanced life?
And is that even the question?
The recent death of Steve Jobs, whose life and work impacted the entire planet, has me waxing philosophical.
Oh, and btw, yes, the video is longer than usual today, but part of that is due to a musical surprise starting at 6:28. Hint, hint.
Tell me: what would you choose, worldwide impact, or a softer existence? Or do you think they’re even mutually exclusive? Share your thoughts in the comments.
PS – Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
I love your use of the term “margins in your day”. Lovely, and very fitting for a calligrapher. Thank you for that.
As for greatness vs. simplicity in life, I want both, but not to the point of unbalance. If that’s the price, then balance and happiness win.
Perhaps we can be great in the eyes of some (especially our loved ones) and be as butterfly wings making our difference in the world one flutter at a time, in the eyes of others.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Aloha, Patrice
It is indeed an apt term for a calligrapher! I think I got it from an ex-bf of mine who borrowed it from a writer he admired, but I can’t remember whom!
Like you, I want both. And at this point in my life, happiness tips the scales.
I love your image of butterfly wings, btw. 🙂