What ripples are you creating?
Did you ever see the movie Pay it Forward? Or read Catherine Ryan Hyde’s novel?
Every day, you pay it forward, without even realizing it. Not necessarily with money or physical things, but that doesn’t mean you’re not making an impact.
So what kind of impact do you want to make?
Melissa, thanks! I’m loving your video blogs and all the ripple effects I’m seeing from your time in Action Studio. You, my dear, are brilliant.
Thanks so much, Kim! I’m glad you’re loving the videos. Thank you for all the RTs and comments and ongoing support. 🙂
This is something that I try to keep in mind, especially when dealing with people who have to talk to a lot of people in a day. Even if you’re in just a neutral, kind meh mood, going that little extra mile in being nice to someone will totally make their day brighter, and knowing that I made someone elses’ day brighter usually leaves me in a better mood, too.
PS: I did read that book in 6th grade, and it made me CRY. Sad!
“knowing that I made someone elses’ day brighter usually leaves me in a better mood, too.”
You are so right on about that, Michelle! It feels good to make someone else feel good… and bad when you know you’re just making them crankypants. The trick is catching yourself when you’re doing it and making a U-turn.
It’s all about awareness.
when I find myself reacting to someone going all cranky-pants on me, I take a deep breath, and often a short vigorous walk to dispel all that negative energy. I don’t want to pass that on! The world does not need it! I don’t need it!
One particular place where kindness really has a great ripple effect is: on the road. People are so tense, so crazed when they are getting from point A to point B. They are usually late, which fuels their black mood. I give these folks plenty of room, and if I can catch their eye, a smile or a wave. Even if they don’t notice me, I feel better spreading the love instead of the road rage.
Rock on, Melissa!
Beautiful, Tara! I love your approach.
Spread the love, baby!