What is art for? It’s a philosophical question for the ages, because art is many things to many people. But what I’m concerned about is what it is to YOU, as the CREATOR.
Whether you think of yourself as an “artist” or not. Whether you share your work, or show your work, or sell your work — these are all secondary things.
Because first and foremost, the purpose of creating is to FEED YOU.
The purpose is JOY.
The purpose is because it FILLS YOUR WELL. It fuels your tank, energizes you, recharges your batteries, makes you happy, and gives you the energy to go on.
It makes the rest of your day go better! (Which, btw, implies that doing it earlier in the day makes a whole lotta sense, because MORE of your day will go better!) THAT, more than anything else, is the purpose of creating. Whatever your chosen expression — drawing, painting, writing, dancing, gardening, macaroni sculptures, WHATEVER you love to do.
Yes, there are lots of other great reasons, too, but you don’t need them as justification, because this one reason is enough all by itself.
You do not have to justify yourself or your art or your creative urges to anyone. The fact of them is enough.
You are entitled. Go get creating.
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