Morning doodle. As with all my doodles, this one started out with a random mark. I had no idea it would evolve into what feels like a landscape—like looking out from inside the mouth of a cave on a barren landscape. Like what you might find on a planet like Ilus, perhaps? (For fans of The Escape, which my husband and I are addicted to! 😊)
This is the fun and joy of spontaneous doodling. I start from zero, and let my inner 4-year-old inhabit the tip of the pen. Then I give her free rein and see where she goes!
At some point, a pattern starts to emerge. Often it’s completely abstract. Sometimes, as with this doodle, it’s evocative of the natural world. Whatever the pattern is, I lean into it.
So I’m this case, I decided to play with cross hatching. Not something I’ve done a lot of in the past, but I wanted to give a feeling of depth.
The doodle started out as some squiggly lines running along the long edges of the card. Then I added narrow stripes (I guess you’d call them?) in the space between the edge of the card and the squiggles. Or maybe those stripes qualify as cross hatching?
Then I started adding additional squiggles, and it was at that point when I thought, “Hey, this looks a bit like a landscape! Let’s lean into this!”
At this point I was in flow. IN the process, immersed. That’s the goal, folks. It’s not about creating Great Art. It’s not about making something Like-worthy or Pin-worthy, it’s about THAT MOMENT, when you lose track of time, and everything becomes about you, your pen, your paper, and your hand moving through space. IT’S SO DELICIOUS! 🔥🌟❤️
I set a timer today. It went off after 15 minutes and I spent another minute or two completing the cross hatching at the top. (I’m other words, getting into a state of flow doesn’t take as long as you might think!)
I was just reading an article yesterday about the health benefits of making art. Which I was already aware of (hey, I TEACH this stuff!), but still needed a reminder (we live in a society that does NOT reinforce that creative expression for its own sake is valuable!) 🖊
So let this be your reminder to get creating! #doodle #dailydoodle #dailycreative #dailyart
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