My pen slipped. So I went with it. And this page went in an entirely different direction from anything I ever expected.
That’s called improvisation. Dancing with the page. Dancing with what IS.
It’s what we do in life, and it’s what I like to do in art.
And guess what? Practicing one makes good practice for the other! Because if you get better at dancing with what IS in your art, you get better at dancing with what IS in life.
This is why improvisation is one of the most valuable life skills you can work on. You already use it all day long without even thinking about it.
Imagine how much smoother your life might go if you brought some mindfulness and FUN to those everyday situations!
I love improv.
#creativesandboxway #improvisation #improv #visualjournal #pigmamicron #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #abstractart #derwent #inktense #watercolorpencils #originalart #morningphilosophy
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