OMG! I just discovered the coolest site! is a drawing class in a box! It flashes images on your screen at intervals of different lengths, depending on the length of the class you choose.
It’s like a life drawing class, but without leaving your house!
You can choose from figure drawing practice, animal drawing practice, hands & feet practice, or face & expression practice.
And it’s FREE!
This is EXACTLY what I’ve been needing to help me loosen up and see quickly! I in so excited!!!! So face #29 today is actually 28 30-second sketches — this is page #1 of 2.
I head into the woods tomorrow, where there’s no internet, but am excited to come back to this after I get back. The forced time limit forces you to loosen up and just grab some representative details.
This is GREAT practice, and exactly what I’ve been lacking in my face practice.
Plus when I’m tired of faces I can draw other subjects. ?
So excited!
#drawingpractice #facedrawing #portraitsketch #portraitpractice #facepractice #originalart #gesturedrawing #sketching #instaart #instaartist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #morningart
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