The final chart that emerged from yesterday’s video shoot—what will be an explainer video about LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Slated to publish on Monday to LinkedIn, Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, and of course, my website,! 😊 🖍
Not familiar with LEGO Serious Play? It’s one of the main tools I use in my consultancy, to help companies make ideas visible. But whereas with graphic recording and graphic facilitation I’m typically the one making the ideas visible, with LSP, THEY are the ones making the ideas visible—in 3D! “Thinking with their hands,” literally building ideas with LEGO bricks. 🖍
Stay tuned for the video to see this drawing come to life!
#visualfacilitation #graphicfacilitation #visualnotes #graphicrecording #sketchnotes #sketchnote #sketchnoting #sketchnotearmy #graphicrecorder #visualthinking #neulandmarkers #legoseriousplay #visualpractitioner #visualcommunication
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