Click to watch (13:49) or scroll down to read
Hey there, innovation champions!
Let me tell you a story that keeps me up at night. It’s about a company that used to be [Read more…]
Click to watch (13:49) or scroll down to read
Hey there, innovation champions!
Let me tell you a story that keeps me up at night. It’s about a company that used to be [Read more…]
Click to watch (08:16) or scroll down to read
Hey there, innovation champions!
I’m bubbling over with excitement to share some game-changing insights with you. I’ve just wrapped up creating a brand new course that’s all about driving change through powerful communication. And let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey!
Now, I can’t spill all the beans just yet (the course isn’t live), but I can’t resist giving you a sneak peek into some of the transformative ideas we explore. [Read more…]
Click to watch (4:58)
Or scroll down to read
Hey there, innovation champions!
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the quicksand of analysis paralysis? You know, that state where you’re so busy planning, researching, and perfecting that you never actually get started?
Well, I’ve got news for you: in the fast-paced world of tech innovation, perfect is the enemy of done. And more importantly, it’s the enemy of started.
[Read more…]
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