A florally doodle grows. Detail.
#doodleart #abstractart #morningart #dailydoodle #dailyart #creativesandbox #originalart #blackandwhite #pigmamicron
Snapshot from My Studio: June 13, 2016 at 10:00AM
Face #26. 2 ¼” high.
#morningart #faceoftheday #portraitdrawing #portraitsketch #pencildrawing #originalart #drawingpractice #makeart
Snapshot from My Studio: June 12, 2016 at 11:33AM
And now time for some Sunday silliness. A monster, or perhaps a gremlin.
Gremlins exist to keep us inside our comfort zones. They’re trying to protect us, keep us safe. “Don’t go there!” she says, “You’ll get hurt!” Don’t try that new thing… Don’t make the art you so desperately ache to be making… Don’t share your work, whatever you do!! But look at her! She’s terrified!
She did NOT want me to post this. No way, no how! People would laugh at me! Probably all of my followers will unfollow me!
Aw, poor, sweet little gremlin! Thanks for your concern, but I’d rather grow than stagnate. I’d rather take risks, even if they lead to failure.
So I gave her a lady finger and sent her off to get a pedicure.
Then I posted this pic.
We’re both better off that way. 🙂 #doodle #dailydooodle #pigmamicron #monsterdoodle #gremlin #dailyartist #dailycreative #makeart #morningart #drawingfun #doodlefun #blackandwhite #silliness #originalart #creativesandbox #creativelifehappylife
Snapshot from My Studio: June 12, 2016 at 11:04AM
Face #25. Doesn’t look remotely like the reference photo (an incredible drawing by kleinmeli on kleinmeli.diviantart.com). This guy is not even an impersonator!
This is what happens when I limit my drawing time. No dividers to help me see proportions, and I didn’t turn the picture upside down, either, which also always helps.
This is what it’s like to learn something new. Your skills are limited at first, so your results are mixed.
That’s okay. Just keep at it, and little by little you start to improve.
The only way to get better at something is to do it. Sometimes (often!) that means feeling less than ecstatic about the results.
This is why it is so important to practice detachment from the results!
It’s a weird thing. On the one hand, of course you’re aiming for great results! You want to get better! You want to do this thing WELL, for goodness sake!
But emotionally you have to DETACH from the results. Allow them to be crappy.
If you don’t give yourself permission to end up with crappy results, you simply won’t do it at all!! So aim for excellence, while at the same time knowing and accepting that excellence is not what you’re going to get. At least for awhile (and maybe a long while). Make sense?
Go get creating!
#portrait #portraitdrawing #portraitsketch #pencildrawing #faceoftheday #dailyart #dailydrawing #dailyportrait #dailyface #imperfection #imperfectionist #instaart #instaartist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #originalart #creativesandbox #drawingpractice #morningart #makeart #dailycreative #dailyartist
Snapshot from My Studio: June 11, 2016 at 12:19PM
Ahh! Abstract work feel so freeing after trying to put a likeness on paper!
#originalart #abstractart #doodleart #pigmamicron #dailydoodle #dailydrawing #blackandwhite #creativesandbox #makeart #makestuff #gogetcreating #livingacreativelife #fullcolorlife