So how am I doing in my quest to re-invent my life, follow my evolving Blisses and create the life I really, really want?
Well, it’s been just over three months since some personal crises sent me into creative free-fall, and exactly two months since I started this blog. This week it felt like things actually started to gel a bit.
In fact, it was a banner week in my quest to create the life I really, really want.
Newsflash #1
- I made over $650 from affiliate sales of the Empire Building Kit. (Wow! Thank you to everyone who bought the EBK after clicking through one of my links! I am eternally grateful! I sure hope you get as much out of it as I have. And am.)
What does this mean?
- I actually made money from this blog! (In fact, more money in 24 hours than I’ve ever made in a day from singing)
- …which validates my taking it (my writing; this blog) seriously (though not somberly)
- …and inspires me to get my own products (still in process) to launch (stay tuned…)
Newsflash #2
- I’m designing a logo/header and WordPress website for my yoga teacher and life coach, Susan, in exchange for life coaching! Cool!
What does this mean?
- Proof of concept for my WordPress website installation and design services.
- I’ll have a portfolio piece for same, and increased confidence to sell services I already know I’m good at.
- I get to see how much I like this WordPress website installation business before launching full-steam ahead.
- AND I get weekly life coaching! Score!
Newsflash #3
- I had my first life coaching session on Tuesday, and it ROCKED!
Susan helped my clarify what I want, including the too-scary-to-write-down big goal: make art every day.
Then, in her brilliance, she drilled further and asked why? What does this do for me?
- It makes my whole day go better.
- It makes me happy.
- It makes me high.
- it makes me feel like I’m living in accordance with who I am: a Creative, an Artist, a Multi-Passionate Creative Artrepreneur!
Wow! Just clarifying the specifics of how important this is to me, and why, suddenly made it a helluva lot easier to shift my priorities around and make some time for it.
And while ideally I’d love to spend at least a couple of hours a day making art, at the moment that’s not realistic. But 20 minutes a day is realistic.
So. We settled on a plan: Every morning, BEFORE I turn on the computer, I will feed the cats, scoop the litter boxes (bleah), make myself a cup of herbal tea, then sit down with it at my drafting table, set the timer for 20 minutes, and make art.
The best part: I’ve been doing just this!
Amazing. I feel more balanced and on my Right Path than I have in years.
PLUS I got even more out of the session:
- Thanks to her background as a journalist, Susan helped me come up with a bunch of questions to ask the interviewees for my in-the-works project. (Stay tuned!)
- As we were discussing my artwork, she suggested using my Irresistible Woman brush-stroke art to create a line of yoga poses! Click! Now I know what to work on during my 20 minutes each day (which of course usually turns into 30, 40, 50 or 60 minutes…) So watch for those soon too.
(And as a bonus, I even got a beauty tip. ;-))
And a revelation
Meanwhile, I’ve been noticing that moving forward with my various passions and business ideas has helped me get back to a place of enjoyment with my existing business.
When it was all I was focusing on, I was not very happy. Because, of course, I’m a Multi-Passionate Creative Artrepreneur, and when I focus on one thing to the exclusion of the others, it does not lead to balance or happiness. But when I allowed space for my other passions, it allowed me to enjoy my business again. What a gift!
Wrapping up
So some successes, some creative movement, and some revelations. All in all, I’d say it was a pretty good week.
And yours?
That all sounds great!
I had a similar experience, which I’m going to blog about in greater detail, but in brief: after several weeks of frantic busy-ness, I had no work projects at all this week, but instead of going into a tizzy about it, I chose to let go of unproductive worry. And by the end of the week, I’d booked $7,000 worth of new work, turned up leads for more, and opened an online store for my secondary project. No lie!
.-= Fawn´s last blog ..Travel Tuesdays: one-way frequent flyer tickets =-.
Fan-freakin-tastic! The Universe seems to work this way sometimes, doesn’t it? Yay you!