Thanks to my life coaching session with Susan on Tuesday, I’ve been making art every day — yay me! Check out my latest creations: the beginning of my Yogini Irresistible Woman line.
Or should that be Irresistible Yogini?
Regardless, watch for them soon on my Zazzle shop as prints, cards, T-shirts, mugs, etc. (Plus a second version of Virabhadrasana II that says “Woman Warrior.”)
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
I like!
For those of us who can’t remember what the Sanskrit names are, how about including the English names somewhere, even if it’s just very small?
Yeah, I was thinking of doing that. Either that or an all-English version.
Thanks Fawn!
Melissa – I LOVE these!! You are SOOO talented. Keep on creating and sharing what you’re doing. 🙂
Thanks Jane! I’m so glad you like them. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. 🙂
Thank you for your beautiful and energetic yoga asana drawings! Are these available for purchase to use as a logo for a small yoga studio – sign, business cards, etc? Debbie
I’m happy to discuss licensing with you, Debbie. I’ll send you an email… 🙂