Read My Mind, Baby!
Here's where you'll find all my writings — articles on creativity, creative productivity, getting unstuck, being a passion pluralite, and more, and behind-the-scenes journal entries on the wonderful, messy, sometimes really hard reality of living a creative that so few ever actually share.
I have a lot of other blog feeds here that you might also be interested in, though:
Podcast – my weekly podcast, The Creative Sandbox Way™.
Animation – fun with stop-motion animation!
Art in Progress – works in progress (be a fly on the wall in my studio!)
Calligraphy – calligraphy videos, tips, and tutorials
Music Loops – audio experiments in being a one-woman band, using Loopy app
Project 3x5x365 – my year-long tiny-but-daily writing experiment
Creative Sandbox Way™ Guidepost #1: There is no wrong
Strategic Slacking: When It’s Better NOT to Do Your Best
It was June of 2010, and my parents were looking mighty spiffy.
My mom positively glowed in the wedding dress she’d kept in pristine condition in the attic for fifty years.
My dad looked sharp in the same style of white coat, narrow-lapel tux he’d worn in 1960.
I sang during the cocktail hour with a jazz trio at the big bash party they hosted at the restaurant.
But my real gift to them was the book I made them.
This Mantra May Sound Depressing, But It Really Helps
I woke up on Tuesday last week, got undressed to take a shower, and was horrified to see huge, red, raised welts all over my thighs, the size of miniature roadkill hamsters.
Seriously, my legs looked like topographical maps of Middle Earth.
If I had not been recently diagnosed with eczema, I probably would have had a cardiac arrest.
As it was, I had a mild panic attack, because my eczema up until that point had been limited to my face and neck, so to have it spontaneously — BAM! — erupt ALL OVER my thighs was shocking, to say the least.
“Will I be miniature-roadkill-hamster-leg-woman forever?” wondered my brain. [Read more…]
Not a New Year’s Resolution
Happy New Year!
In the grand scheme of things, January 1st is just a day like any other — the trees and flowers and birds and bees and my cat don’t care that it’s a new year, after all. But we humans mark the passage of time.
To us, it’s a big deal.
And because we mark this moment every year, it’s like a sign post — a natural marker for us to use as we reflect back on the year that’s just passed, and look forward toward the one before us.
What went well? What went not so well? What do we want to create going forward? What do we want to change?
I’m big on self-awareness (remember: self-awareness + self-compassion = the key to everything good!), and there’s no shortage of [Read more…]