Note 4/28/11: The call with Sinclair already happened, BUT you can still sign up by clicking here and I’ll email you the recording. Major epiphanies were involved!
Did you hear the news?
Tomorrow (Thursday) at 5pm PST I’m doing a special call with the brilliant Sinclair of Self Activator, and you’re invited! Register here to join us (it’s totally free, and if you can’t be live on the call, you’ll still get to hear the recording).
Sinclair will be talking about 3 ways she sees creative entrepreneurs stallout between the passion they’ve got, and a strategic lucrative biz that creates the impact they want. (Sound familiar?)
In other words, the stuff that keeps creatives stuck, poor and playing small. (Btw, watch for more on that theme real soon from these quarters… hint, hint…)
Plus I hear the call will reveal some backstage secrets from Action Studio, which is about to relaunch. And who doesn’t like secrets?
Oh, and Sinclair might even “hotseat” somebody – help you pinpoint ways you can get past your own stallouts. But of course you gotta be live on the call for that.
The backstory
(In case you haven’t read it already):
I’ve followed Sinclair over the past year, taken advantage of a number of her free offerings (and gotten enormous, mind-shifting value from them). I’ve watched her grow her business by being totally herself, and totally un-spammy.
I was impressed. More than impressed.
I wanted to be like her!
Or, well, not like her — I wanted to be totally me, but totally rockin’ it as me the way she’s totally rockin’ it as her. Capiche?
So when I decided it was time to level up my business and work with a coach, Sinclair was the one I chose to work with.
The plot
Part of that picture is that I’ll be a participant in Action Studio 2.0. I’m ready to take my creative biz to the next level, and I know Action Studio is gonna help me do that in a big way.
Of course, we’re all on different paths, and that’s cool. Not everyone is going to be in the right place for a course like Action Studio. I wasn’t, when it originally launched some months back. But you can learn a lot from seeing shifts that are happening for other people. Which is, of course, why I share so much about my own journey on this blog!
Plus with Sinclair, you can learn a lot from her free stuff! And she’s giving out free stuff like crazy right now, in the lead-up to the launch.
Including Tomorrow’s (Thursday’s) call. Hope you can make it!
I also strongly recommend you sign up to get your name on the door, so you can get all that free goodness for yourself. Today Sinclair sent a questionnaire that revealed what archetypes you most strongly resonate with, which got the wheels spinning in my head. (I’m a Creator/Caretaker. Surprised?)
The sub-plot
If you are in the right place to do Action Studio this time around, I’ll sweeten the deal by offering 3 hours of my time to drill down into your blocks, uncover your gifts, and strategize how to best use your passions to create total abundance in your life and biz. Plus I’ll include a year of access to the Thriving Artists Project for you or a friend.
At my current pricing, that’s almost $550 in added value. And priceless if you think about how much it will push you and your business forward.
Either way, sign up for the call and be ready to glean some awesomeness from it (and bring your questions). Can’t wait to see you there!
Hey Melissa! So excited you’ll be in Action Studio, too! Can’t wait, and love how much passion you’ve put into this site!
Aw, thanks Tessa! I loved hearing your hotseat the other day. Looking forward to connecting more inside! 🙂