In which what is supposed to be Weekly Review #5 is instead a video that has nothing to do with reviewing the week that was, except in as much as the tip in the video was one that I finally tried for the first time this week, and did, in fact, affect my week greatly (the tip, that is). Got it?
A new video! About focusing the scatter with Mind Mapping
Okay peeps, I’m running out to see a play, so this week’s full review will have to wait til tomorrow. But the big news is my first videoblog post! (Love the attractive expression on my face in the static image —not!)
Enjoy, and be sure to write your comments.
Happy Weekend!
Hi Melissa
Firstly thanks so much for stopping by my new blog and leaving a comment.
Your vid has reminded me to return to doing morning pages-i’ve been a bit lazy on that front. I’ve seen mind mapping mentioned a lot lately, as a creative, visual person I think it’d be a good idea instead of writing mountains of boring to do lists! 🙂
Nice to meet you
.-= Nats´s last blog ..A blog for artists seekers eccentrics +non-conformists =-.
Hi Nats!
Thanks right back! Glad to hear my little vid actually inspired someone! Good validation to keep putting stuff out there, even when it sometimes feels sort of silly or pointless. :-}
Nice to meet you too! I’m looking forward to following your journey.
Hello Melissa,
Great idea + Great presentation = Great video. I hope I can get out of my own rut enough to try this.
In Shalom,
.-= C. Robin Janning´s last blog ..Pushing Sun =-.
Thanks Robin! Glad you found my little vid useful. 🙂
Hey beautiful awesome person. 😉
I studied with Tony Buzan the inventor of the mind map!
It’s a great right brain tool. Thanks for the reminder.
I use a graphic program (paint) or whatever and it makes is easy to pull up, and since I LOSE paper all the time, this helps and I can still print it out if I need to.
You’re welcome!
I love using paper, but there are definite advantages of going digital. I’ll probably check out some of the free mindmap tools out there, but I don’t think I’ll ever dis my pens and paper. 🙂