Do you struggle with how to juggle all your passions and interests? In this episode I share how I learned to embrace my passion pluralite nature, AND how to effectively manage it, using my Stovetop Model of Life Design.
Topics covered in this episode:
How the culture values specialists over generalists/multi-passionates.
The “lightbulb moment” that pissed me off and started me on the road to embracing my passion pluralism while I was a dance student at Juilliard.
The nagging feeling that I had that there was something wrong with me, because I couldn’t just stick with one thing.
The revelation that having multiple passions and interests is not something to purge, but something to accept, embrace and work with.
The point is not to be as talented as Leonardo, but to embrace your nature.
Being a passion pluralite/multi-passionate presents some unique challenges, so how to deal with them?
“I get to do everything, just not all at the same time.”
My Stovetop Model of Life Design (and why four burners, not 20 or 100).
“At any given moment, you can only give your full attention to one saucepan, but a skilled cook can handle four burners quite handily.”
What I especially love about the Stovetop Model: in addition to the burners, there’s the fridge, the cupboard, the grocery store!
Passion pluralites/Scanners come in multiple varieties. (I’m a blend of what Barbera Sher calls “The Serial Master” and “The Sybil.”)
The false guilt we sometimes feel when we move a pot to a back burner.
Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss.” Follow your bliss, not what other people want from you, because that’s a sure recipe for burnout.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Refuse to Choose, by Barbara Sher
The Renaissance Soul, by Margaret Lobenstine
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