My new book, The Creative Sandbox Way, is finally here! What does the culmination of a book launch look like behind the scenes? I part the curtains for you to see.
I even tie in a somewhat embarrassing, and tragic story from the days of planning my first wedding, back when I was a 27-year-old bridezilla.
Oh, and be sure to join me every day this week on Facebook for my week-long Book Launch Party! There will be entertainment, art, Creative Sandbox concepts, and even “party bags” to give away.
Join me here:
I’ll be streaming LIVE at these times (and these livestreams will also all be recorded and live forever on Facebook for you to watch, so if these times are already past, you’ll find the recordings on Facebook):
Tuesday 11/15 – 12pm PT
Wednesday 11/16 – 2pm PT
Thursday 11/17 – 12pm PT
Friday 11/18 – 9:30am PT
Saturday 11/19 – 12pm PT
Sunday 11/20 – 11am PT
Monday 11/21 – 10am PT
Resources In this Episode
Check out the launch week bonuses for The Creative Sandbox Way. And download a free sample while you’re there.
LCN 010: Power Your Productivity with a Morning Ritual
LCN 038: Morning Ritual Redux & Banishing Perfectionist Gremlins
Blog Post: Why I Intentionally Sabotaged My Morning Ritual
Patti Digh’s Life Is A Verb Camp
Thanks for Listening!
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.
Also, please leave an honest review for Live Creative Now on Tunes!
If you’d also like your voice to be heard on the show, leave your question as a voice message right here.
And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates.
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Now go get creating!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
PPS — I am SUPER excited that I’m teaching on Life Book 2017 next year! And registration is NOW OPEN. Click here to read all about it and sign up.
Melissa, You are doing such a great job. I can imagine how stressful birthing this book has been. It is a wonderful collection of so much that you have been sharing all along in the pod casts, blog posts, etc. Loved the first time I saw you doing one of the first visits with Corey. The idea of the creative sandbox is so wonderful. I have shared the manifesto, and the iterations you have put out with so many friends over the years. I was finally able to afford to join your online group after doing Creative Sandbox 101 again. Now I am going to give a gift for Christmas sharing of the book to 2 of my friends who are also members of my art league and children’s writing group. Put in an order for 3 the other day. 1 for me and 2 to share. I think I have done the bonus entry correctly, sending my receipt from Amazon to the gmail acct. and sharing the launch again on Facebook. One of my stamping people will be at my NIU Laredo Taft campus stamp camp. She shared the the first thunder thing I posted on her FB timeline. She is from South Africa and just became a US citizen….I think this election was her first for pres. Can’t wait to see her to get her view point. The book order should arrive on Thursday. I hope they do so I can show it to that group of friends. Sending good vibes, energy and love to you. Best wishes with this book. Oh yes, I also have the coloring book and left reviews on both! 🙂
Thank you, Sherry! I feel so blessed to have you in the Creative Sandbox Community. 🙂 <3 Thank you for being such a wonderful ambassador for the book and my manifestos and all! *mwah!*