Do you avoid creating because it feels self-indulgent, even selfish? Here are 8 reasons — including SCIENTIFIC ones — why it’s not self-indulgent, but absolutely essential for you to feed your creative hungers.
Topics covered in this episode:
My 8 reasons it’s essential, NOT self-indulgent, to feed your creative hungers:
- It gives you joy, and that ripples out
- The Universe wants you to
- “Unexpressed creativity is not benign.” -Brené Brown
- Science proves it restores energy to your brain
- You have no idea how your work might touch someone
- The Talmudic argument: if you save a single human soul, it is as if you had saved the entire world
- It may prevent brain decline in old age
- It might just save your life (literally!)
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Best-selling books by Brené Brown:
2011 Scientific study by Thoman, Smith & Silvia, demonstrating that activities which engage interest restore willpower best
They Played for Their Lives documentary film
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Now go get creating!
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Awesome podcast!!! Inspirational, and uplifting. Can’t wait to listen to more of them.
Thanks so much, Ronnie! 🙂 If you haven’t done so already, I’d sure appreciate it if you’d leave a review over on iTunes. 🙂