I’ve got all kinds o’ news about the Thriving Artists Project—survey results, new interviews scheduled, pre-launch info (hint: sign up now if you want in on the pre-launch, because it’s coming up very soon, and only those on the list will have access)—but I already posted today, and want to keep this short and sweet so you don’t get overloaded.
So let’s get right to it, shall we?
A Winner! A Winner!
I sent out a survey a couple of weeks ago to the ground floor inner circle thrivers, and everyone who answered the survey by the deadline was entered into a drawing to win the Thriving Artists Project. (When it’s done, of course.)
We’re super hi-tech over here at LACL Headquarters, so let me give you a snapshot of our snazzy, hi-tech drawing methodology:
- Write names of all survey-answerers on sheet of scrap paper
- Cut names into separate strips
- Put paper strips with names in hat (yes, I used an actual hat. It felt important that I adhere to strict “drawing names out of a hat” procedures)
- Draw name of winner (after much stirring, of course)
All seems rather foolproof, no?
Except that among the survey respondents were two Thriving Artists Project interviewees, whom I’d already determined should receive a complimentary membership, in thanks for their awesome interviews. For some reason (possibly extreme dorkiness), I threw their names in the hat without thinking.
And wouldn’t you know it, the first name I drew was one of these: equine and animal artist Fiona Purdy.
Now, I am well aware that I could have awarded Fiona the winner and nobody would be the wiser. But I am all about transparency and fairness, people. So no go—I’d have to just draw again.
And guess whose name I drew next?
You got it, my other special bonus interviewee: Kirsty Hall, artist and purveyor of mad, obsessive projects.
So, one more try, and we had our official winner.
(Drumroll, please.)
The winner of the Thriving Artists Project survey drawing is:
Congratulations, Amy! I’ll send you your super-premium VIP access as soon as it’s available.
Check out Amy’s cool sites, Antemortem Arts and Not Dead Yet Studios. (And maybe if we’re all really nice to her she’ll agree to be interviewed for the Thriving Artists Project herself. Seems she may have a a thing or two to add…)
Okay folks, I’m outta here. But I’ll be back soon with survey results and details about the upcoming pre-launch!
Have a great weekend.
Hooray, that’s so exciting! It’s just what I’m looking for right now, too, another stepping stone to help me along my journey as an artist.
Of course I’ll let myself be interviewed, though perhaps we should wait until after I’ve done the awesome Thriving Artists Project stuff so I can talk about how helpful it is. 😉
Or at least until I don’t have the flu anymore, sigh.
Hey Amy, congrats and get well soon! (And I love your squittens!!)
LOL – just my luck being the winner of something I’m all ready getting. Of course my name is never drawn when money or a gift certificate or in any contest I’ve entered on line.
Congratulations Amy!
Melissa – just keep on getting better
Ha! That’s usually my luck with contests too! 🙂
Thanks for the good wishes. Despite the many post-op frustrations, I’ve seen some major progress in mobility today: walking in brace sans crutches, and sans much pain (at the moment…. seems to come in waves).
Onward ho!
Hahaha, how funny that you drew both Fiona and I – apparently the universe was having a bit of fun with you there, Melissa. Huge congratulations to the lovely Amy.
The Universe is known for having a sense of humor. Thankfully, this time it involved neither pain or great hardship on my part. 😉