I just turned down a paying music gig.
After writing in my journal this morning that one of the things I’d like to get back to is performing my music.
Why in the world would I do such a thing?
Well, rarely in life are things black and white, it turns out. Most of the time they are shades of grey.
And although the music gig is paid, it would, in fact, end up being at least 4 hours of my life on the day of the gig (if you include driving and finding parking, plus setting up my sound equipment), not to mention the cost of parking…
…so the $50 I’d earn would end up barely covering my gas and parking.
And although I theoretically have more than enough original material to perform for an hour, the fact is I haven’t performed in ages, so I really don’t.
I’m woefully out of practice, so I am not even close to being prepared to perform for an hour.
Which means I’d have to spend quite a bit of time between now and the gig (two weeks from now) rehearsing.
Like an hour a day, if I’m honest.
And even though part of me would really love to do this…
And even though I know that this is what’s required in order for me to get back to performing…
Right now is simply not the right time.
(And yes, I know, there rarely is a “right time”…)
I have a tendency to add too much to my plate at any given moment, and so, when I felt that tightening in my solar plexus, I knew that even though part of me really wanted to say yes, the self-compassionate thing was to say no.
Because my body never lies.
Still, I texted my husband for a reality check, because a little outside perspective never hurts. And he’s much better at protecting my time than I am.
So ultimately, I said no.
I turned down a paying music gig.
In other words, I’m practicing self-compassion.
Dang, it’s hard. But oh, so worth it.
So let me ask you: Where do you need to say no to something you’d really like to do, in order to take care of yourself?
It’s a question that I think we can never ask ourselves too much.
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
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