Miracle Man and I tied the knot on Saturday, in an intimate ceremony with our nuclear families (we called it “the nuclear option”). The weekend could not have been more lovely, the ceremony could not have been more wonderful — absolutely perfect in its imperfection.
My intention for today was to write a third and final post about the making of the ketubah (which, yes, I did finish in time for the signing on Saturday morning!)

But we all know where good intentions take us: not always the destination we’d planned.
Lo and behold, a wedding weekend — even a low-key wedding with only 14 guests — kinda takes it out of a girl.
Miracle Man and I were rather fried when we woke up, so we took it pretty easy today. We ran some much-needed errands (getting my dress to the eco dry cleaners, mailing off our marriage license to the County Clerk Recorder, stocking up on picture hanging nails so I could hang the ketubah, among other things), and I paid some much-needed-to-pay bills.
Getting that blog post written? Well… That will just have to wait.
In the meantime, however, I present to you another creative effort from our wedding: a brand new song, written for my beloved.
Enjoy! And Happy New Year! I’m off to get some much-needed sleep…
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!